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Action For Liberty and Economic Development.

ALED Africa.

ALED is a libertarian and free enterprise think tank that was established in 2017. We believe and promote ideas of a free society and we have been at the center stage of promoting individual liberty, free market, property rights, limited government and rule of law. Our role is to foster a society where an individual lives his or her life on their own terms that will in turn foster peace and prosperity of all citizens and influencing public policy change.

Since our inception, ALED’s projects have had various achievements. We mobilized and established a libertarian national Library with liberty literature, we have worked with students For Liberty and we have established over 18 SFL chapters in higher institution of learning and universities.


To promote a free and prosperous society through entrepreneurship and individual liberty.


Empowering Individuals, Fostering Prosperity.

Our Services
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Join our team of community trainers, facilitators and students in research and advocacy for better economic policies.

ALED Africa

Past/Upcoming Events

2023 Africa Liberty Camp

ALED Africa Uganda
March, 2023

2023 Africa Liberty Camp

Africa Liberty camp attracts university students, younger leaders and younger professionals from the African continent and speakers from all over the worlds who are passionate about freedom.

John Galt School Uganda 2023

ALED Africa Uganda
Oct 31st, 2023

John Galt School Uganda 2023

This is an educational program for university students and anyone interested in attaining fundamental knowledge about the philosophy of Objectivism.

2024 Africa Liberty Camp

ALED Africa Uganda
June 13th - 16th, 2024

2024 Africa Liberty Camp

This is the biggest locally organized annual libertarian event for the university students and youths passionate about a free and prosperous society. Venue: Nile Nest Jinja.

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Lasting Impact From Libertarians.

ALED Africa Uganda
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