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ALED organizes events such as Forums, summits, Camps, symposium, debates, seminars, colloquium, and essay competition.

13th - 16th June, 2024

Africa liberty camp is the biggest locally organized annual libertarian event for the university students and youths passionate about a free and prosperous society.

The John Galt School is an educational program for university students and anyone interested in attaining fundamental knowledge about the philosophy of Objectivism.
27th - 30th April, 2023

Africa Liberty camp attracts university students, younger leaders and younger professionals from the African continent and speakers from all over the worlds who are passionate about freedom.

8th Jan, 2023

This is a program meant to identify, educate and empower advocates and activists in Africa who foster the growing awareness, understanding and acceptance of Ayn Rand’s philosophy.

11th Dec, 2022
This is the 2nd annual retreat that convenes leaders of libertarian organizations in Uganda to strengthen more partnership, networking and building synergies in defending market.
11th - 12th Nov, 2022
ALED will be hosting a side event on cross border trade in the region. We shall have traders and experts discussing the African continental free trade area and how to move it from paper to practice .
23rd OCT, 2022
ALED organizes weekly series as we had one of the best brains in the continent and beyond on the call to help us continue dissecting the African Continental Free Trade Area AFCFTA.

26th Sept, 2022
ALED organized a high school Free market ideas workshop in Western District of Uganda. The workshop was attended by teachers, student leaders, young writers , and many others. 
2nd Sept, 2022

Economic Freedom Audit to aiming at improving the economic freedom of the people of Uganda .A select group is invited to a High-level conference designed to move Uganda along an economic path that will ensure a bright and better future for the citizens. 

7th August, 2022
Today we are discussing INDIVIDUALISM as a moral philosophy that enables human beings to create and co-create value. Individualism puts man or woman as the most important unit of a society as opposed to other ideologies embraced by some people in Africa. 
4th August 2022
Obwananyini Ku taka
The community outreach team educating women on how to strengthen the property rights through land documentation involving registration and titling of land.
27th July , 2022

Obwananyini Kutaka is a project designed by ALED to advocate and promote for the land rights of women, orphans and other marginalized communities in Municipalities.

8th July, 2022

The fourth Entebbe Business Summit has been rated as the best event in engaging academia ,policy makers, business Community and civil society.

25th June, 2022

It provides education materials on economic freedom, individual liberty, property rights, civil society and spontaneous order to the young generation in Uganda.

8th - 10th JUNE, 2022
Liberty camp 2021, during presentation session

This is an annual event organized and runs for 3 successful days of intensive debate, dialogue and discussions. 


Kampala Business Equilibrium

We are libertarians in Uganda advancing the cause for a free market society, advocate for liberty, rule of law and property rights.

African Liberty Forum

A business forum that gives different entrepreneurs an opportunity to speak about ideas that can improve their economic status.

21st - 24th APRIL, 2021

Liberty Camp is the biggest locally organized regional event which introduces undergraduate students to ideas of free enterprise and its benefits – individual liberty and increased prosperity.

19 - Feb, 2021

A business forum that brings business people, community policy makers, academics and media practitioners to deliberate on polices that affect them.

march, 2021

Entrepreneurship and Economics Course is running in 20 high schools in Uganda to introduce students to free market based Economics.

May, 2021

ALED (African Liberty & Economic Development) is launching some of its published books in May 2021. 

june, 2021
University Out Reaches

This is one of the biggest annual events that ALED organizes under our Advocacy & Out-reach programs that aim at promoting and defending a free enterprise.

7th - 9th july, 2021

This is one of the biggest annual forums that bring together the business community in Uganda to discuss ideas and polices for a better business environment.